
Benedictine’s pre-professional Bachelor of Arts in 体系结构 launches careers in architecture and related fields, and prepares students for a professional academic 学位 and architectural licensure.


今年夏天,我们很高兴提供一个 两周古典建筑强化课程. 2024年7月, experience the energy of our unique design approach under the personal instruction of the Program Director.

Alongside the curricular stream of architectural design studios are foundational art courses, complementary architectural drawing and watercolor studios, 以及基础工程课程. Connecting this curriculum to the College’s liberal arts education are architecture and art history/theory courses that explain the meaning of works of art, 建筑, and places in the past as a means of instruction for the present. Pivotal at the midpoint of the curriculum is the Summer 出国留学 in Italy.

“It is always necessary to begin those works again, 这些基础在时间里再次出现, 哪些是永恒的片段, and to begin those eternal foundations again whose source and rule is eternal.(查尔斯·帕斯凯)

Like a classical tripod, the major in 体系结构 at 本笃会的大学 stands on three legs:

1. 天主教

“Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build. Unless the Lord guard the city, in vain does the guard keep watch.” (Ps. 127)

就像人类一样, the physical properties of 建筑 and cities show what can be measured even as they provide the ground for conveying meaning. 然而, 材料属性自然, 被创造的东西有一种美, the wonder of which draws us outside of ourselves to ideas of the other, 甚至是不可见的事物和概念. 一栋漂亮的建筑, 就像一座城市, 为我们和邻居提供了家的感觉, and can beckon the wonder-filled contemplation of richer realities among us and beyond us. 就像我们, 在所有的事情上, 被召来荣耀神, the architect and his or her community brings glory to God in the making of beautiful architecture and places.

A Benedictine emphasis on Christian hospitality undergirds our program’s stewardship of what has been learned in human history about the making of pleasant and dignified places that is equally an anticipation of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

更重要的是, 我们的建筑课程是包容性的, flourishing haven for all who would enter our community to steward these traditions of building well and in beauty.

“For God is not merely mending, not simply restoring a status quo. Redeemed humanity is to be something more glorious than unfallen humanity.” (C.S. 路易斯, 奇迹)

Our program draws from and in turn reinforces the mission of 本笃会的大学 to educate men and women within a community of faith and scholarship. 本笃会的大学 is a 天主教 college with a 天主教 mission, 认可和推荐 by 《太阳城官网》 for its excellence in faithful 天主教 education.

2. 文科

The study of 体系结构 at 本笃会的大学 is treated as a fine art enlightened by scholarship in the liberal arts.

“没有教育就没有天赋。, nor instruction without natural ability can make the perfect artist. 让他们接受教育, 熟练使用铅笔, 教几何, 了解很多历史, 你曾专心地追随哲学家吗, 懂音乐, 懂点医学知识吗, 了解法学家的意见, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens.”(斯, 在体系结构)

3. 经典

The classical canons of art and architecture derive from paradigmatic works that infuse soulfulness into figural representations of natural forms. The act of drawing and reproducing classical elements introduces students to a more complete range of architectural form and character. 就像音乐一样, it is only through much practice and an education of discernment that students become alive to how architecture might move the human spirit via decorum, 和谐, 尊严, 礼节, 比例和比例.

Has the classical tradition run its course—does it stifle originality? 为回应这些担忧, 建筑师Paul Philippe Cret写道, “让我们消除这种对缺乏独创性的恐惧, and comfort ourselves with the thought that the really great architects have always been those most eager to profit from the lessons of the past. It is by comparison with standards that we are able to judge our own progress, 这意味着你对标准比较熟悉.”


Benedictine’s program is not accredited by the National 体系结构 Accrediting Board.  本笃会建筑专业的学生, 然而, 有同样的机会继续下去吗, 如果他们选择, 在认可的研究生建筑课程.

Older accredited architecture 项目 are five-year professional Bachelor of 体系结构 学位s. Newer accredited architecture 项目 tend to be professional Masters of 体系结构 学位s in two forms: a three-year M.拱. for a holder of an undergraduate 学位 with little or no architecture; more common are 4+2 curricula. These 项目 are a four-year undergraduate architecture curriculum that is completed in an accredited two-year professional M.拱. 学位. 

这一切都要说, 本笃会建筑专业的学生 are completing a four-year undergraduate curriculum, 和4+2学校的学生没什么不同, and then Benedictine students can apply to those same professional, 认可的米.拱. 项目. A student can begin their journey to a professional architecture 学位 at Benedictine for the benefit of its clear mission and then, can finish with a master’s 学位 at another institution.